Nunamin Illihakvia video and report now available!
We are excited to share a new video about the Nunamin Illihakvia program in Ulukhaktok, help NWT! This program, buy funded by Health Canada’s Climate Change and Health Adaptation in Northern First Nations and Inuit Communities program and administered by the Ulukhaktok Community Corporation, was a one year pilot that sought to revive participation in winter seal hunting and traditional sealskin sewing in Ulukhaktok to strengthen health and food security during a time of rapid environmental and societal change. In total, more than 60 participants took part in sealskin sewing, equipment making, and organized trips out on the sea ice. Check out the video:
Nunamin Illihakvia is one of several community-driven adaptation initiatives the IK-ADAPT team has partnered with to date, both to pilot evaluation processes for community adaptation programs and to investigate how such programs can contribute to adaptive capacity. IK-ADAPT co-investigator Dr. Tristan Pearce and coordinator Ellie Stephenson worked with the Ulukhatok Community Corporation and program coordinators to complete research and evaluation components of the program, and Lesya Nakoneczny partnered with local filmmakers and photographers to produce the above documentary. To learn more about the research results, including impacts of the program and recommendations for improvement, please see the final activity report for the Nunamin Illihakvia program.
Koana (thank you!) to all of the participants, instructors, Elders, and coordinators who has made this program a success!