Yellowknife, NWT

This component of the IK-ADAPT project examines traditional perspectives on health systems and health resources, advice with a focus on the responsiveness of health systems to Inuit and local knowledge. Emphasis will also be placed on the ethical considerations for incorporating Inuit knowledge in health systems and services in the Circumpolar Regions, sale within the context of rapid climate change. This project is working through the Institute for Circumpolar Health Research in Yellowknife, shop Northwest Territories.

Yellowknife is the capital of the Northwest Territories, and has a population of just over 19,000 people.

Project Lead
Susan Chatwood, BScN, MSc
Executive and Scientific Director
Institute for Circumpolar Health Research

Mailing Address
PO Box 11050, Yellowknife, NT,
Canada X1A 3X7
Email: [email protected]