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The jamboree festivities demonstrated the strong community culture I experienced throughout my entire stay in Ulukhaktok. I learned that community collaboration and cooperation are important elements of life in Ulukhaktok. For example, those hunters who managed to harvest nearly 100 ducks would regularly share with their extended family or neighbours. Not every weekend in Ulukhaktok was as jam-packed as Jamboree weekend, but it was an excellent introductory course into the Ulukhaktok way of doing things.

Kaitlyn Finner’s Notes from the Field

Photo: Kaitlyn Finner
This week Masters student Kaitlyn Finner and community-based researchers Inez Shiwak and Lisa Palliser-Bennett are meeting with community members in Rigolet, try Nunatsiavut to hear their perspectives on food inventories and photo card interviews that were conducted over the course of a year, from May 2013 to 2014.
The participatory methods were adapted for the Rigolet based project and the research team is working to better understand how the methods can be further adapted for future food related research in Rigolet, and other communities that may be interested.
It’s been a great week so far with lots of interviews and amazing weather, but the real highlight is set to take place this weekend when the 2015 Winter Sports Meet is held at Northern Lights Academy in Rigolet for school teams from along the Northern coast of Labrador!

Artic Change 2014: IK-ADAPT in Ottawa
Arctic Change 2014 was a busy and enriching conference for IK-ADAPT team members. IK-ADAPT researchers chaired two sessions, cialis gave nine session presentations and four poster presentations. The film “Lament for the Land”, and a collaboration between Dr.Ashlee Cunsolo Willox and the five communities Nunatsiavut, was screened at the conference and followed by a Q & A session. IK-ADAPT also held a one day meeting parallel to the conference to discuss project updatesas well as the commonalities and differences between the different community-based initiatives. This meeting was attended by all the project leads, community partners, IK-ADAPT researchers and students. The meeting yielded great discussions about finalproject outputs and reflectionsas IK-ADAPT approaches the end of its final year.
Additionally, our team was very active at the conference, and their work received some awards. In particular, Inez Shiwak presented five times and participated in the Q & A for “Lament for the Land”. She also won the Arctic Change Northern Travel Award to support her participation in the conference, and was nominated for the Inuit Recognition Award at Arctic Change 2014. Congratulations Inez!Kate Bishop, a PhD student at the University of Guelph in the Department of Population Medicine, was awarded thesecond place prize ($600) in the Social and Health Science category at the Arctic Change 2014 Conference.Her poster was titled “Seasonal Changes in Prevalence of Acute Gastrointestinal Illness in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, Canada” and was co-presented with Inez Shiwak. Congratulations!
In numbers:
- 2 chaired sessions
- 9 session presentations
- 4 poster presentations
- 1 film screening
- 1 full day IK-ADAPT meeting
- 2 awards