Welcome to IK-ADAPT
Funded by CIHR, the Inuit Traditional Knowledge for Adapting to the Health Effects of Climate Change project (IK-ADAPT) is a multi-year, community-based initiative that combines scientific research and Inuit knowledge (IK) to develop an evidentiary base to inform policy and programming needed to assist Inuit communities in adapting to the health effects of climate change.
Recent Blog Posts
- Linnaea Jasiuk: Memories from the Ulukhaktok Kingalik Jamboree
- Kaitlyn Finner’s Notes from the Field
- Artic Change 2014: IK-ADAPT in Ottawa
- Congratulations to Joanna on the completion of the MA thesis
- Nunamin Illihakvia featured in Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami’s Inuktitut magazine
- Nunamin Illihakvia featured in Tusaayaksat Magazine